So, on to the story, not really. Every time I start this story I introduce everyone who's involved, plus, just for you guys, a little description as well! Well the way I see them :P.
Jonathan: He is the definition of gay best friend. he's a caring gay (i mean guy) and one of the funniest people i know! I love him to death. Not much else needs to be said, there's too much!
Veronica: Easily, one of the best people I have ever met. She has been throuh alot of shit, especially recently, but that only makes her stronger . She is also GORGEOUS. Nuff' said :).
Nikki: She is my second mother!! She has always been there for me, she cares about me like no one else ever has. She is happily married and has 3 kids. ( I have alot of adult friends ). she runs the Teen Center, which will be described later. But she doesn't know certain parts of certain stories. She was also prego with her 3rd at the time.
Michelle: She is beutiful sister of Chad, who you will meet later. although she doesn't have a big part in my story, she is still important!!
Amy: Amy is my good friend, not the best, not the worst, but she's pretty damn great. She's awkward at times, but she totally gets me.
Darian: K, I've actually never met this chick,but i've talked to her before, by accident mostly. And I've heared stories about her from Chad. But she seems cool. But of course Im jealous of her, you'll see why later.
Scott: I gotta admit, he's really hott. But that's the only good thing I can really say about him. He's a doucher! He plays people,he's a complete D-I-C-K!
At first I thought he was dece, and I flirted with him a bit (you'll see later). But now the only reason he talks to me is to bad mouth my brother. Shall I repeat... D-I-C-K
And now the moment you've all been waiting for! The actual people that caused this story. The ones that cause all this shit. I love one, I Fucking detest one. They are the ones that caused good and bad things to happen. They are the "main characters" of the story. They are, Chad and Grace (ew). COMMENT BELOW ON WHO YOU WANT ME TO DESCRIBE FIRST!!!! :)
<3>Emily xoxo